The way to prevent the situation will eventually lead to this result …
A strong flash of light appeared in Midgart’s tomb.
After the flash has passed, it has been in the sky, melting the mainland … disappearing and leaving dust.
And the surface of the melting zone can also see the sky scenery changing rapidly. When the changing scenery is fixed, you can see the gorgeous stars …
Several stars floating … Rusted metal.
Sure enough, it was sent to this location?
This is about 100 million kilometers from the Midgart pipeline.
Before the melting zone was delivered, Lin detected a possible delivery location of the melting zone, and Lin found that many possible locations were surrounded by transpiration.
Transpirators’ invasion plan from solidification cracks failed because of colored mud, but they didn’t just give up.
There are still a lot of metal blocks outside, and they are still planning some tricks. Now this is probably because they plan a lot of metal blocks and surround many circles in various places.
Qian Lin has observed the transpiration, but when it is delivered in the melting zone, Lin discovered that most of the positions surrounded by them are likely to be delivered in the melting zone.
It’s as if they had designed a trap as they expected the melting zone to be sent out.
This may have something to do with the transpirator’s understanding of colored mud.
Lin noticed that this group of metal blocks all over the sky made a move … They were quickly combined.
And Lin also decided to show some moves … to make the trap for melting zone become a trap for transpiration.
Chapter one thousand five hundred and five Traps
There is a burst of light in the void.
Brilliant light up to a huge piece of metal with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers was instantly torn in half.
This metal … is synthesized by transpiration.
Since the melting zone was surrounded by them, these transpiration metal blocks have been synthesized, and they have been rapidly synthesized around the melting zone … The metal plate is synthesized around the melting zone as if to wrap the melting zone.
Although the transpirators around the melting zone are not enough to completely surround the whole melting zone, there are still many transpirators coming from other delivery points
All the transpirators who came here made the metal plate bigger, and the melting zone didn’t seem to react to this. What’s going on here?
It may be more interested in its emotional stability than its surroundings … It is true that the emotions in the melting zone are no longer angry.
Because the colored mud was not sent to this place with it, it remained in Midgart’s tomb.
The impact on the melting zone … has also failed. The melting zone is now in a state of mind. The most important thing is that it has run out of energy and can’t continue to send it.
Suolin is going to start first. First, the high-speed stone broke the synthetic metal plate in half, and then …
Transpiration seems to have a new move.
Lynn noticed that the two metal plates were rapidly deformed, and they seemed to cancel the plan of pre-wrapping the melting zone and change to the plan of drilling the melting zone.
Because of the deformation of the metal plate, it became two … long and huge drill bits and rushed towards the surface of the melting zone at high speed.
The surface of the melting zone can be heard rumby whistling. Two huge metal drills easily tear the hot gas closer and closer to the surface.
Lin looked at this situation and once again let some … high-speed stones appear in the virtual.
They flew towards the metal drill, but just before that moment, the stones were all powdered.
So that’s it … They’re defending now.
Lin continued to let more stones hit the two drills, but each stone was crushed at the moment when it approached them, so the drill bit was blocked close to the surface of the melting zone
Boom! !’ The drill bit with a diameter of several hundred meters instantly sank into the melting earth. At this moment, Lin felt that the nerves in the melting zone suddenly "vibrated"-it should be similar to the feeling of being suddenly stung.
However, this is actually due to the fact that the transpirator bit released a strong signal deep underground at the moment of drilling.
This signal directly’ hit’ the nerve in the melting zone, which made the nerve in the melting zone in a state of’ shock’.
As expected, they still want to control the melting zone. Actually, Lin doesn’t know exactly what transpirator wants, so it may be something special about it.
Transpirators didn’t drill too deep, but their drill bit penetrated less than 100 meters, but they were able to continuously send the information of erosion thoughts to the melting zone.
The erosion of the melting zone is stronger this time than before, perhaps because the transpiration is bigger than the next one.
Although it is made up of many small pieces, the combined transpirators are much larger than before. There are columns made up of several transpirators behind the two drills, which extend all the way to the virtual ground. It seems that they have now become two …’ Babel’.
And the end of this’ Babel’ has been connected to a large number of evapotranspirators on the other side of the virtual delivery point.
These transpirators should be able to form a ball bigger than the melting zone.
But they didn’t all come to this location, that is, 10 billion kilometers away from Midgard … With these two bits, the transpirators are all farther away.
However, they have been connected with the drill bit, so the’ energy’ they release is quite huge, which can quickly erode the thoughts in the melting zone. This erosion method is similar to colored mud, that is, a lot of meaningful information is continuously input into the melting zone, which will make the thinking processing ability of the melting zone closer and closer to the’ limit’.
Finally, the nerves in the melting zone may be paralyzed, and then the transpirator will take over the control of other organs of the transpirator
The second transpirator may have been eroded slowly because he was too small to send enough information, but this time it is very different … This time it may take dozens of seconds to finish the erosion.
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